Friday, May 29, 2009

NMR and Mac

As an organic chemist and mac fan boy I have often lamented the lack of free NMR software for the mac. I have had the fortune of using both Bruker and JEOL instruments during my PhD and Post Doctoral careers and have found both to have their strengths and weaknesses ( it is well beyond the scope of this post to discuss either). I have however always been amazed at the lack of support by Bruker to the apple platform, I am sure they have good reason for such a decision however I find it rather a pain that TopSpin is a. Not free at least for processing and b. not available for OS X. JEOL on the other had has always made their DELTA NMR suite free for users on Microsoft Windows, Linux and OS X. Having a fondness for JEOL this has always been a big plus for me. 

In the last few years two products risen to the front as real contenders to the OS X crown.

iNMR Reader is suitable for most general 1D and some 2D applications is ideal for the PhD student or Post-Doc who wants an economic solution for their personal computer. Price € 50 for the first copy and 30 for each additional copy on the same order

MNova is much more polished and very capable of complex analysis and production of publication quality figures with its higher price tag is aimed primarily as a laboratory purchase. Price €305 for the full version and €105 for the lite version.

UPDATE: Thank you to Marcello for pointing out that there are great reviews on both these products at the nmr-software blog

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Adium and Google Translation

I have been using Adium for around 2 years as my main chat client and have found it to be reliable and convenient to use. I can chat with google talk, Yahoo, MSN, and facebook all from the same application!

When I thought things could not get any better I found a great addition which sends the output via google translate to translate into any of the available languages!!!! I have attached a screen shot to demonstrate the magic! 

Just type %_tr{translate from, translate to, Text to translate} 

e.g. %_tr{en, de, Hello Simon I am pleased to meet you.}

Monday, May 4, 2009

Where have I been??

Sorry for not posting in so long. I have been concentrating on my website and fixing problems with my hosting. Currently I am hosted by 1and1 in the uk. They seem to offer the best value for money as far as features in my opinion the only problem is that their customer service is awful and it takes forever to get anything done.